Kit Helps Companies Boost Employee Engagement and Retention with a Corporate Mentoring Program
Download Your Mentoring Program Tool Kit Now!
Chronus runs hundreds of employee career mentoring programs each year that result in improved employee engagement, development, and retention. To help your organization start a successful mentoring program, we’ve rolled up our best practice tips, tools, and resources in one simple kit.
Studies have shown organizations with career development programs such as mentoring are six times more likely to increase employee engagement, and have a 2.5 times higher productivity rate than organizations that have yet to implement a career development strategy. (Scales, 2012).
Mentoring is a cost-effective strategy that harnesses the internal resources you already have to improve employee learning through one-to-one or group interactions. Mentoring connects people to learn how they learn best—from each other—in personalized, on-the-job experiences.
Best of all, mentoring is a strategy that can be drawn out across the entire employee lifecycle—from onboarding new hires to developing mid-level managers to transferring the knowledge of retiring executives to the younger organizational talent.
Learn how mentoring can help your organization improve employee engagement, development, and retention with this mentoring tool kit. Inside you’ll find the research, tools, and best practice tips to get started on planning and designing your mentoring program today.
How to use this kit
What You’ll Learn |
Resource |
Type |
Decide whether mentoring is right for you | The Five Benefits of a Workplace Mentoring Program | Whitepaper |
Our key program-planning tips | 10 Tips for Creating a Successful Mentoring Program | Guide |
Thinking about software? Look here! | Five Ways Software Will Improve Your Corporate Mentoring Program | Video |
Get the buy-in you need | Pitching Mentoring to Your Leaders: Tips for Success | Article |
Learn how to set goals & measure success | How-To Guide: Measuring Mentoring Program Success | Guide |
Streamline & simplify your program | Chronus Mentor Software | Product Sheet |
Download Your Mentoring Kit Now!
1Right Management, Inc., Advancing Careers, Driving Results, 2012