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Mentoring & Communities Resource Library
Chronus Institute Resource Library

Mentoring Benchmarks Report: Quit Navigating in the Dark

Facing issues of employee turnover, burnout and disconnection, many organizations have turned to mentoring to drive key business initiatives. But running mentoring programs without performance standards has left many talent leaders unaware of where they stand compared to others.

In our new Mentoring Benchmarks Report: Quit Navigating in the Dark, we broke down and analyzed Chronus customer data to help organizations understand three key areas to program success: enrollment, matching and engagement. With this visibility, business leaders can see whether they are executing their programs effectively or disastrously. In this report, you’ll find:

  • Enrollment, matching and engagement benchmarks
  • Steps to improve poor performance in these three areas
  • How mentoring software accelerates program adoption and improves matching and engagement

Learn how to leverage key insights to optimize your mentoring initiatives!

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