Modern Mentoring Guides & ERG Trends

Chronus Blog

Tips for Running Mentorship Programs for Women

Mentorship is a practice that has helped countless executives make their way to high-level positions, with senior leaders as advisers and allies. Women can especially benefit from mentoring as they seek to overcome traditional barriers to the leadership pipeline. But … Read more ›


Succession Planning: What It Is & Why It’s Important

The unexpected loss of key leaders can throw a real wrench into the works for organizations, especially in the current climate of steep competition for talent. Starting a hiring search from scratch can be frustrating, time-consuming and expensive. That’s why … Read more ›


4 Reasons Nonprofits Use Mentoring to Connect

Whether it’s career guidance, emotional support or skill development, human connection within mentoring can significantly impact nonprofit organizations. Nonprofits serve a variety of missions, and these missions require a unique focus, whether that’s elevating women in the workplace, supporting cancer … Read more ›


What are Workplace Sponsorship Programs?

Workplace sponsorship programs match emerging talent with leaders and influential employees who can help them move ahead in their careers. In today’s world, these programs are especially helpful in boosting advancement for people who have typically been unrepresented, including women … Read more ›


Successful Mentoring Programs: Hawaii State Department of Health

The Minority Genetic Professionals Network (MGPN) mentoring program facilitates one-to-one mentoring relationships that connect mentees with leaders in the network to foster professional learning and development. MGPN is focused on increasing access to genetic services for communities of color by … Read more ›


Boomerang Employees: Ways to Welcome Them Back

Many companies have lost good employees over the past few years amidst the Great Resignation/Reshuffle. But that doesn’t mean they are gone forever. As the pandemic eases and former workers’ situations change, many may be looking to return. Former employees … Read more ›


Leadership Mentoring: Benefits & Best Practices

Leadership mentoring is essential for companies. Without it, companies risk promoting leaders who lack the necessary skill, temperament, and understanding of what it means to lead an organization. This article will discuss why mentoring is essential for leadership development and … Read more ›


How to Support Inclusive Behavior at Work

Studies show that inclusive workplaces foster belonging, inspire innovation and boost productivity. According to Deloitte research, inclusive organizations are twice as likely to meet or exceed their financial objectives. They’re also six times more likely to be innovative and six … Read more ›


Improve Employee Retention with Career Pathing

These days, it’s not enough for companies  to rely on compensation and classic perks to retain their best employees. According to a 2020 Deloitte survey, lack of career progress was the biggest factor in encouraging employees to look for new … Read more ›


Does Your New Hire Onboarding Need Updating?

Amidst the Great Resignation and ensuing Great Reshuffle, finding and keeping good employees has become one of the top challenges facing organizations. According to a 2021 survey by Willis Towers Watson, 73 percent of employers reported having a hard time … Read more ›


Three Workplace Trends on the Post-Pandemic Rise

There are certain events in our history that have changed the course of our day-to-day lives. WWII led to the baby boomer generation, 9/11 changed global travel, the 2008 Financial Crisis transformed our financial industry. This pandemic will be one … Read more ›


33 Questions to Ask Your Mentor

Finding a mentor takes a bit of forethought and hard work, but the payoff of that relationship can have a significant positive impact on your career – from quicker advancement and better realization of your career ambitions to guidance and … Read more ›


Four Ways Mentoring Supports Employee Wellbeing and Mental Health

Hybrid working has brought about many benefits. Flexible working became more of the norm, rather than a rare perk that only some companies provide. Employees are spending less time commuting—which before the pandemic was a significant source of stress for … Read more ›


Benefits of ERGs: Creating Belonging in the Workplace

As workplaces focus more on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), many organizations are realizing the importance of the “I” in that equation—inclusion. Representation is key, but ultimately, employees need to feel valued and included to live up to their full … Read more ›


What Effective Mentoring Looks Like in the Hybrid Workplace

The coronavirus pandemic has made work and personal lives more blended, and a lot has changed for both employees and employers. There is more on people’s minds, and more disruptions and distractions that can take up mental energy. People also … Read more ›


Successful Mentoring Programs: LMI’s 1-to-1 Employee Mentoring

Today, more and more companies are turning to mentoring to elevate their DEI strategy within their employee experience. For government consultancy LMI, formalizing their already existing informal mentoring culture in order to serve their diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEI&A) … Read more ›


Can Reverse Mentoring Programs Build Inclusive Workplaces?

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace has never been more important. Top business thinkers have made the case for years that diverse workforces drive innovation and financial success, with real results to back them up. However, recent events—including … Read more ›


Mentoring Platform: Should You Build One or Buy One?

You’ve decided mentoring is an ideal strategy for developing, growing and retaining top talent within your organization. Congrats, you’ve completed an important first step. Maybe you’ve even tested your mentoring theory in the form of an informal mentoring program. But … Read more ›


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