Modern Mentoring Guides & ERG Trends

Chronus Blog

Employee Development Plans: Importance and Examples

The landscape of today’s workplace isn’t what it was twenty years ago. It’s not even what it was twenty minutes ago – today’s environment is both fast-paced and competitive. Ninety-one percent of millennials (born between 1977 and 1997) expect to … Read more ›


Women Mentors: Mentoring Women for Leadership

Women leaders are in the midst of a “Great Breakup,” changing jobs at unprecedented rates, according to a 2022 MicKinsey report. With women already lacking leadership representation at U.S. companies— only one in four C-suite leaders is a woman, and … Read more ›


How to Be a Good Mentor

Mentoring rewards can be enormous but it does take effort and of course, preparation. Many people are able to identify someone who mentored them as they were just starting out professionally, or in school, or perhaps was simply a positive … Read more ›


How to Coach Great Employees

How do you coach great employees? First, it’s important to acknowledge that employees, even the best ones, can do with some coaching. But your company hired someone with a carefully detailed resume, who interviewed well and appeared to be a … Read more ›


How Diversity Mentoring Programs Help Organizations

For many companies, a diverse workplace is an important part of encouraging business objectives such as employee engagement and retention. A Deloitte survey found 39 percent of respondents would leave their current organization for a more inclusive one. Diversity is … Read more ›


Modern Mentoring: Mentoring Circles

By now, you’ve likely heard that mentoring is a big deal. Why, you ask? Well, for starters, it engages employees. Among other things, retention is 25 percent higher for employees who have engaged in company-sponsored mentoring (Deloitte Research Brief, 2012). … Read more ›


How Software Can Help Your Onboarding Goals

When it comes to making your onboarding program strategic and effective to meet your hr goals, you might have already added collaborative learning and extended the program time frame. Great job – you’re on your way to an improved program. But … Read more ›


Group Mentoring Guide: Benefits, Tips and How to Implement

What are Group Mentoring Programs? Group mentoring is when one or more mentors guide and support a small group of mentees. This approach uses the mentors’ combined experience to help several people at once and build a sense of community. … Read more ›


Bridging Generational Gaps with Reverse Mentoring

In traditional hierarchical organizations, it’s senior employees who pass on wisdom and newer workers who learn from them. However, companies are increasingly recognizing that younger generations have perspectives and skills that can benefit their more experienced colleagues. Many organizations are … Read more ›


Improve Mentoring Program Engagement: Top Five Tips

Everyone appreciates a good mentoring program. Mentors and mentees love that their organization is sponsoring opportunities for growth, they love learning in person from others, and they love being able to connect to people with common experiences and goals. But … Read more ›


10 Tips For Starting a Business School Mentoring Program

Planning = Mentoring Success You may have decided to start a mentoring program for your business school, but now comes the hard part—planning it in a way that ensures maximum success. Where should you start and how should you start? … Read more ›


How Informal Talent Development Programs Can Produce Impactful Leadership for Organizations

Most employees evaluate several factors before starting a new position at a company: Will the work be relevant to career aspirations? Does the company provide a competitive salary? Are there opportunities for growth? In order to successfully recruit and retain … Read more ›


Crop of the Season: Employers Eyeing Millennial Graduates for Hire

For human resource recruiters and employers, the months of May and June bring excitement with the new flood of millennial graduates to pick from; bright, freshly primed from their formal studies, technology advocates, and ready to begin a new chapter … Read more ›


Our Tips Revealed: Employee Development Program Best Practices

Developing your employees requires time and effort. Successful employee development programs not only arm the employee with lifelong skill sets, but also demonstrate organizational trust and eagerness to drive employee growth and retention. Even so, an employee development program is particularly … Read more ›


Five Signs Your Corporate Coaching Program Needs Software

Corporate coaching is a key strategy to develop and retain strong leaders across the organization. In a 2012 survey to HR executives, 65 percent rated coaching as a highly effective talent development tool.* Companies are leveraging coaching to prepare the … Read more ›


Coaching: From Millennials to Mid-Level Employees & Beyond

As a Seattleite, I couldn’t be more proud of our Seahawks this year (shameless brag coming). We won the Superbowl! What’s more amazing is that the team is made up of guys that a lot of other NFL teams simply … Read more ›


Why University Mentoring? Four Benefits of a University Mentoring Program

Every year, universities strive for excellent national rankings and recognition for their educational offerings. Part of those rankings come from high graduation and job placement rates. In addition, universities that offer a range of enriching and engaging activities attract the top … Read more ›


Measuring Talent Development & Employee Retention

At Chronus, we believe in the value of talent development programs and are often called upon to help customers figure out the ROI of their mentoring and coaching programs. Therefore,  we’ve excerpted a passage for you from our new ebook, … Read more ›


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